Official Android Raspberry Pi Support Could Be In The Pipeline

raspberry-pi-zero-cameraIt looks like the worlds of Raspberry Pi and Android are about to collide, as the folks over at Google do seem to prime themselves to roll out an official Android Open Source Project port for the Raspberry Pi 3, now how about that for folks who would like to introduce their little ones to developing their own machines and programs?
.A Google employee managed to create the Raspberry Pi 3 repository at the AOSP not too long ago, although no one has yet seen any kind of code published to it. While efforts have been few and far in between to see different Android builds run on Raspberry Pi devices, a formal Google-sanctioned release would be a very big deal when it comes to encouraging experimentation with the platform with such hardware.
After all, to see Android on a Raspberry Pi would mean one can now connect powerful software alongside a polished UI, which would make it a very potent combination where affordable custom hardware is concerned, and it should not be too long until we see the likes of an Android Pi media server, smart-home hub, or other kinds of connected appliance? Only time will be able to tell, as there is no limit when it comes to human creativity.
Filed in Computers. Read more about Android and raspberry pi.


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